There are surgical, non-surgical (extension, creams, pills, vacuum pump, hormones) and combined methods of penis enlargement.

Which penis is considered normal?
Can different pump, abs, workouts increase your penis? Will surgery help us when you so want to have a big male member? A penis enlargement ad can now be viewed every time. And this is understandable, because each of us has a constant longing for self-improvement. But is it a real male genital augmentation? Let’s take a closer look at this issue.
It is currently believed that the norm for penis length in the erect state is 12-18 centimeters.
The average length of the penis in men is 15. 7 cm, if the penis is less than 9. 5 cm, then it is already considered small. There are even micropenicles - their length can be less than two centimeters. If a man is unhappy with the length of his penis or its shape, then he is thinking about enlargement procedures (this may be a whole penis enlargement procedure or just a head enlargement procedure).

For now, there are ways to increase male gender:
- Surgical;
- Non-surgical;
- Combined.
Surgical ways of enlarging the male limb
Now there is a growing number of men who go to urology with complaints of "low male limb". Not everyone knows that in most cases, their length is considered absolutely normal in terms of physiology. Be the male genital organ.
Norms are norms, but not everyone believes in them. In addition, a man's growth, his body mass index, undergoes certain changes in norms. But not everyone agrees with this view, as we see an obvious increase in rows of urological surgeries. Some even resort to surgical methods of male enlargement.
Surgical methods for penis enlargement are quite common in the world. However, in themselves, they are very dangerous. They are known to have a high probability of preventing various complications. It is believed that the surgical method of male penis enlargement is a kind of guarantee of a positive result.
Plastic frenzy is considered to be the most harmless surgical method of penis enlargement. With this surgery the penis can grow by about 1, 5-2 centimeters. A more aggressive method is to dissect ligatures in the suprapubic region. These ligaments hold the penis together. With such an operation it is possible to lengthen the penis by about 3-5 cm, it is known that various special implants are now widely used to thicken the penis (by 5-10 mm).
They can also offer prosthetics for lengthening and thickening. Before any surgery you should understand that it is forever. And that it will no longer be possible to return to the previous size of the penis. Each presented surgical method of penis enlargement has its drawback. Therefore, it is always necessary to make a reasonable assessment of the pros and cons. Also, such manipulations can be entrusted only to qualified physicians with extensive experience and a good reputation.
Surgical methods for penis enlargement still have their own contraindications. These can be some general diseases, diseases of the joints, hormonal disorders, old age, diabetes and so on. Sh.
There is also a recommendation: a visit to a psychologist is still needed before penis enlargement surgery. After all, a boy can be good at his size. A sharp desire for penis enlargement often arises after a man is unable to satisfy his partner. But you have to understand that size does not matter at all. The important thing is to study your partner well and know what will bring him the most pleasure.
Non-surgical methods of penis enlargement
It happens that urologists refuse to consult a male surgeon who has decided to enlarge his penis. So what can he do? In this case, men rely on many non-surgical methods of penis enlargement. First of all, it can be increased using a special extension (this is such a special stretching device).
The essence of this method is that human living tissue creates a physiological reaction to the use of tensile force. It is known that any part of the human body can respond to such effects by accelerated cell division as well as an increase in tissue mass.

Wearing these extenders is, in principle, possible throughout the day. In this case the patient can lie down, stand, sit down and even walk. If you wear an extender for about six months, you can lengthen your penis by 3-4 inches. If you use this device correctly, there will be no side effects. Also, there will be no thinning of the penis, which many men are afraid of. Extender also has no effect on potency and fertility.
There is also the opinion that it is possible to give extra centimeters by injecting testosterone as well as drugs that stimulate testosterone production. But experts say this is just a myth. Male hormone does not affect penis size. It only affects her sexual function. If testosterone is used without consultation, it is fraught with hormonal imbalance. A testosterone pit may develop, leading to loss of sexual function and even infertility.

There is also a way to enlarge the penis with the help of special creams. Many people have paid attention to such advertisements on the internet. At first glance, such creams are very easy to use. But with all this, they promise a fantastic result. Many men are encouraged to buy into these promises. But you should understand that the effect of such creams will be minimal or not at all. It is believed that creams allow only temporary enlargement of the penis.
So a slightly noticeable increase to 1, 5 cm can last anywhere from 5-6 hours. Typically, these creams have a vasodilating and warming effect. So there is an increase. But you have to remember that many of these creams contain various dangerous allergens and even hormonal supplements. Penis enlargement creams can cause normal irritation as well as damage to the mucous membranes. Especially "unsuccessful" creams can cause chemical burns.
Another option for penis enlargement is to use a vacuum pump. What is this? This method is based on negative pressure treatment. In principle, this is the only safe remedy that can be used at home. If the vacuum pump is combined with heating ointments, then this can really cause the male member to grow (increase in length by 3 cm) and thicken it (up to 5 mm).
Some experts even believe that it can improve an erection. This special pump must be used properly and very carefully. This is necessary so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the penis and its vessels. You can use such a pump independently only after meeting and consulting an andrologist.
Important point: For this method to work, it is essential for a man to exercise regularly and live a full sex life. It is simply unrealistic to enlarge the penis once and for all by means of a vacuum pump.

Combined method of penis enlargement
This method is considered the most effective. What is its essence? In the first stage, surgery is performed, and then an extender is used (using classical techniques). Why is this so effective? And all this because after the operation there is a kind of release of the so-called "hidden" part of the male genitalia. That is why there is an opportunity to get great results.